Memorandum of QRP |
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Автор: admin |
06.05.2013 22:01 |
Moscow 2013 Dear sirs! Isn't a secret: activity of radio amateurs and QRPers in particular recently was very strongly reduced. Also isn't a secret information about the radio amateur is promptly grows old — middle age makes 55-60 years. You are representatives of clubs who total on some thousand members, but ask yourself a question: how many really active members participate in your actions? Conclusion one — in the modern world singles can't survive, new strategy is necessary. It is the truth! RUQRP is one of the youngest, but actively working clubs. We offer you equivalent cooperation in development of the general movement of QRP. We pay your attention that this cooperation doesn't mean association of all clubs in one or belittling of a role of any club. We offer work in one team from which will win everything participants without an exception. As the first step we take out the following offers. At the 10th IARU conference which has taken place in September, 1997 in Beijing, the decision to declare on June 17 every year in the international Day of QRP was made. As we know, GQRP tried to organize action, but because reports only members of GQRP were set off this day, this action had a small circle of participants. The RUQRP club suggests to carry out on June 17 the real international QRP-rally, reports for which would be accepted from all participants, irrespective of their accessory to any of QRP clubs. As really international action is supposed, as founders and sponsors QRP clubs from the different countries have to act. The general coordination we suggest to carry out GQRP, as to the first organizer of similar action, and QRP ARCI, as to the Club having a wide experience in carrying out the international actions. RUQRP is ready to take the most active part and to act as one of sponsors of awards to participants. Because in the world there are various time zones and, respectively, propagation of radio waves differs, we suggest this action to carry out to some stages. For example, the first stage — participation is accepted by Asia, Oceania and East coast of the USA. At the second stage with improvement of propagation – Europe and Africa, on the third — the Western coast of the USA, South America and Caribbean Islands is connected. Respectively have to be brought and results: absolute winners, winners over the continents/the countries, winners in club competition. The joint commission in which structure we suggest to include a contest managers of founder clubs can develop more detailed rules. Our second offer consists in joint carrying out DX QRPedition for the purpose of interest increase by work by low power. We have an experience of carrying out expeditions according to various award programs. These expeditions prove that work as low power in expedition is possible and causes a great interest among all radio amateurs of the world. For a start it is possible to try to organize expedition to Israel where we have come into contacts among local radio amateurs and which is poorly presented to QRP. Alternatively we offer work option from English islands — GD, GJ, etc. Development and other offers, the main idea that it is easier to make any serious work together is possible. We don't shift responsibility to you — we suggest to go to the future together.
Council of RUQRP club |